TLcafè Hospitality (presso Torrefazione Lady Cafè)

Art and suggestions in Rocca - Rocca dei Rossi - San Secondo Parmense

From Saturday 26 February 2022 to Saturday 26 November 2022 we start again with Art and suggestions in 
Rocca; Night show visits with the characters of the Corte dei Rossi every last Saturday of the month.
Next event: Saturday 26 February 2022 - 21:30
What better opportunity to come to #sansecondoparmense and stay at TLcafè Hospitality.

For info and reservations guided tour https://parma2020.it/.../203597/arte-e-suggestioni-in-rocca/
For info and overnight reservations https://beb.it/tlcafe/it/

TLcafè Hospitality (presso Torrefazione Lady Cafè)

Strada Di Mezzo, 3 - San Secondo Parmense (PR) - Directions

+39 | +39 | WhatsApp

P.I. 02706550346

Identification code 2289176/2021