Wanda B&B

A green lung near the B&B

Just a few steps away from the B& B, from morning till late afternoon, you can enjoy one of the few green lungs of the city: the Villa Floridiana. It is a large park located in the Vomero area. At the end of it, you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views in Italy, overlooking the underlying seafront area of Naples. The view spans across the entire gulf. 
Inside the park, noteworthy places include the ceramics museum and a fountain full of turtles. 
PLEASE NOTE: there are no public restrooms (only inside the museum), the opening hours are not obvious, the entrance from via A. Falcone is not always open, and for people with disabilities, there is an elevator whose use depends on the park caretakers.

During the summer, you can enjoy various events at: https://campaniateatrofestival.it/edizione-2023/

Wanda B&B

Via Luca Giordano, 106 - Napoli (NA) - Directions

+39 | +39 | +39 | WhatsApp

Identification code 15063049EXT1130